Feb 13, 2019 · The following command will store the list of all installed packages on your Debian system to a file called packages_list.txt: sudo dpkg-query -f '${binary:Package} ' -W > packages_list.txt. Now that you have the list, you can install the same packages on your new server with: sudo xargs -a packages_list.txt apt install

How to enable testing and unstable repository on Debian The testing and unstable repositories of Debian provide with a higher version of software applications than what is present in the stable repository. Note that these names are actually aliases such that the stable repository points to the current Debian stable release and the Testing repository is what is going to be part of the next Debian How to list YUM repositories in RHEL / CentOS - Kernel Talks Jan 10, 2018 noetic/Installation/Debian - ROS Wiki

Sources List Generator for official Debian repositories. Debian Sources List Generator. Fork. Mirror Source List. Make it so!

Debian officially contains only free software, but non-free software can be downloaded and installed from the Debian repositories. Debian includes popular free programs such as LibreOffice, Firefox web browser, Evolution mail, K3b disc burner, VLC media player, GIMP image editor, and Evince document viewer. Debian is a popular choice for

Sources List Generator for Debian - Simply Linux

R, as well as many add-on packages (from CRAN and others repositories) are available via the regular Debian distribution mechanisms. Hence, running. apt-cache search "^r-.*" | sort. in a shell should get you started with a list of available packages. repositories list problems: blastradius: Ubuntu: 1: 10-25-2005 06:33 AM: The Debian Repositories: Ace2005: MEPIS: 8: 07-30-2005 12:31 PM: Firefox 1.0.5 - official repositories: Artik: Debian: 1: 07-14-2005 06:37 AM: What is URL of the official Debian repositories? hkl8324: Debian: 6: 06-09-2005 07:27 PM: Is KDE 3.4 in the official repositories Debian officially contains only free software, but non-free software can be downloaded and installed from the Debian repositories. Debian includes popular free programs such as LibreOffice, Firefox web browser, Evolution mail, K3b disc burner, VLC media player, GIMP image editor, and Evince document viewer. Debian is a popular choice for